The Brief
The Cape Town Cycle Tour is one of the city’s biggest annual sporting events. Thousands of cyclists from across the country (and world), descend upon the Mother City to take on the scenic route. 2017 marked the 40th anniversary, and it was a milestone which needed an extra boost in attention. The tour, previously known as the Pick ‘n Pay Argus Cycle Tour, was being renamed, and rebranded – this needed to land across the cycling community. At the same time, Worldsport, the CTCT’s Agency, wanted to break beyond the event’s traditional media channels, and extend awareness to the digital space.
Two or three days before the race, the city and cycle world gets pumped for the event. But, organisers wanted to ramp-up the hype a month before the “cycling fever” peaked. The frontrunner in terms of objectives, was to engage racers and supporters in the lead up, and in turn, grow the CTCT Social Media, to create long-term engagement. This time round, Social Media needed to play an integral role on race day too, complementing, but not cannibalising, TV broadcasting. A solution was brokered between Agency and SuperSport, whereby MMM’s social content would also be repurposed for TV broadcast.
The MMMob Approach
The MMMob was invited to join a full-day workshop. The purpose was to align all roleplayers, and to ensure the longstanding sponsors and partners of the event, felt at ease with the move to an autonomous brand. It was a great start to creating a truly collaborative ecosystem, and the roadmap was clear – we needed to share the multitude of Real Stories behind the race, featuring both people and process.
MMM worked with the core players, to identify these Real Stories, and build a shortlist. To narrow our focus, we then checked these against the key objectives of the event, and the expectations of the partners and sponsors. MMM went away and put together a Conceptual Blueprint, ensuring we covered all the creative elements, storyline messaging, and how we would include the new CTCT look and feel. On the logistical side, the MMMob backed it all up with schedules for each phase, including Pre-Production, Production-Execution and Post-Production.
With the go-ahead, Mobile Media Mob went a level deeper. Mobile Media Mob’s Creative Director and Exec Producers studied each Real Story, and shaped the storyline, around the main protagonist’s involvement, to convey the authenticity of the onscreen character, while still flying the CTCT flag. We also needed to be certain the stories covered the CTCT pillars – Icons, Charity, Community, Environment and Personal Health.
Client greenlighted the campaign, only six weeks before race day. This left limited time, to create a lot of content. MMM immediately started on the complex Pre-Prod phase. We needed to coordinate dozens of on screen subjects, so we could shoot them in their respective situations, and then execute Post-Prod, before delivering the content – including Photos, short format Videos and long format Videos.
To nail this, the MMMob needed a small, specialised Production Team. Our Creative Director doubled up as the Shoot Director, the Photographer we selected was also a keen cyclist (critical for technical & rider insights), plus we enlisted two Videographers, a Field Producer, and an Audio Techie. This core crew, was then supported by MMM’s veteran Exec Producers and Ops Director.
All the stories were scheduled to be shot over a solid ten-day stretch, covering two subjects a day! MMM created a rolling workflow – as each day was wrapped, the footage was handed over to MMM’s Video Editor, to start her process: ingest, select, build timeline, share WIP for internal preview/quality control, then submit to Agency and CTCT for review. This was followed by a maximum of one level of reverts, before Colour Grade & Audio Mix was applied – thereafter final material was exported for social publishing and television broadcast.
MMM’s Graphic Designer, skilled in Animation, Illustration and GFX/Motion Graphics, took the new logo and corporate identity, and created visual elements which could be used as Open and Closing Billboards, complimented with a commissioned music sting.
The output was extensive – six 90-sec Hero Videos, two 60-sec Promo Videos, 300x Photos, and a 3-min Route Video. The video of the route was particularly challenging, as we needed to film the entire course, from a cyclist’s POV, unhindered by traffic. The MMMob filmed from early dawn, on a Sunday morning, strapping a GoPro to the front fender of a Production Bakkie, with a Videographer positioned on the flatbed, filming overhead on a Ronin-rig (for smooth footage). Also onboard was a Photographer, to capture landmarks and other points of interest, along the route. A graphic Route Map was also created, which was blended in with video footage.
- Worldsport in collaboration with Matchboxology, for Cape Town Cycle Tour
- Executive Producer: Thoban Jappie
- Producer: Roy Potterill
- Creative Director: Dylan Culhane
- Field Producer: Catherine Grenfell
- Production Assistant: Kirsti Chambers
- Videographer: Ryan Jarrett
- Videographer: Lloyd Metcalfe
- Videographer: David J East
- Videographer: Kevin Schnider
- Photographer: Tyrone Bradley
- Photographer: Wayne Reiche
- Photographer: Anthony Churchyard
- Audio Technician: Alex Higgins
- Motion Graphics: Alexis Schofield
- Video Editor: Jess Phillips
- Music: Tapiwa Musvosvi
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We have transitioned to be fully online, with no physical offices. Drop us a line and we will be in touch.
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